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Technical Drawing - Engineering Drawing 2:24 AM

A collection of useful web resources on technical drawing and illustration, technical drawing lessons and reference material.(Please click link below)

Engineering Drawing Basics from BlueprintBasic information and Tips on Engineering Drawing, line styles, types of dimensioning including dimensioning circles, holes and Radii, tolerancing, and layout of Engineering Drawing.

Technical Drawing for TheatreExtensive examples of technical drawings for theatre - this page has some really useful material, plus browse its links to find more great stuff on technical drawing for the theatre.

American Design Drafting AssociationThe American Design Drafting Association is a professional organisation that runs various support programs, professional certification and employment programs for designers, drafters, architects and technical artists.

CAD 101 Course Notes from University of PlymouthDownloadable PDF course files from Plymouth University's School of Engineering. These extensive notes on Computer Aided Design are comprehensive and well written. Includes an excellent AutoCad tutorial with screenshots.

Engineering Drawing and SketchingThe bare basics of isometric and orthographic drawing, sectioning, dimensioning, explaining some basic approaches to engineering drawing, essentail terminology, with examples. A good '101' overview.